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Sally and Ray Strackbein

Sally Strackbein Inducted into
 Million Dollar Consultant Hall of Fame®

Sally Strackbein, Professional Speaker and FacilitatorSally Strackbein inspires people to discover, clarify and express their value through speaking, writing, and storytelling. Her presentations, workshops, and coaching help her clients create and deliver messages that motivate, educate, or sell.

    Sally is a professional member of the National Speakers Association.

Sally's background includes serving as Coordinator of Administrative Computing at Occidental College and other high tech positions. She had to learn to how to translate technical information into language anyone could understand.

She discovered her knack for helping people become better communicators and presenters over 15 years ago when her husband, Ray, a professional speaker, asked for help with his presentations. That request led her to study communications, presentation skills, and business storytelling. Now her clients as well as her husband benefit from her insights.

Sally and Ray have appeared on shows such as, NBC Nightly News, with Tom Browkaw, Fox News, NPR Marketplace, This is America with Dennis Wholey, and numerous other radio and television shows in the United States, France, Germany, Hungary, Australia and more.

Ray Strackbein, Professional Speaker and FacilitatorRay Strackbein's career began with telecommunications and computer systems for business then evolved into speaking and training on a variety of technology and business topics.

Ray has delivered over 20 years of paid presentations worldwide. He has spoken in Sweden, England, Norway, Korea, Japan, The Netherlands, Canada, Barbados, and in all but a few of the States.



Ray joined the National Speakers Association (the association of professional, paid, speakers) in 1989 and served as the chair of its Technical Professional Experts Group. He is a Past President of the Washington, DC Area Chapter of NSA.

Sally and Ray Strackbein



Public Speaking Workshop

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